blog May 4, 2020 We can, and we must, learn from this Labour MP Deborah Russell landed herself, probably quite unintentionally, in a bit of controversy a… Regan Love0
bloginsurance March 4, 2019 The impulse buy We’ve all suddenly thought of extra things to buy at the supermarket while at the… Regan Love0
bloginsurance August 12, 2018 Who does your insurance really protect? Are you protecting your interests, or are you paying to protect your lender? The first… designomatic Love0
blogUncategorized July 3, 2018 You’re better off with Financial Advice New Zealand I have been a member of the IFA for many years, and have also been… Regan Love0
bloginsurance June 20, 2018 EXCESSive cost? Shocking price hikes and the end of “free” windscreens This week in the news a major insurer has decided to end free windscreen cover.… Regan Love0
bloginsurance May 29, 2018 Shipping and handling: Big parcel. Huge freight cost. If you have ever looked into buying shoes or car parts on E-Bay the prices… Regan Love0
bloginsurance March 7, 2018 Trips and falls – the top 10 most expensive travel claims Southern Cross has published their top 10 most expensive claims for 2017. I sometimes get… Regan Love0
bloginsuranceUncategorized February 25, 2018 Careful what you say A young artist exhibits his work for the first time, and a well-known art critic… Regan Love0
blog January 31, 2018 KiwiSaver results for 2017 Morningstar have just published their quarterly KiwiSaver report. KiwiSaver is now 10 years old. The… Regan Love0
blog January 26, 2018 AA highlights declining seatbelt use In their Directions magazine the AA reported that 100 people who died in the road… Regan Love0