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Hi there

20+ years of coaching people lead me to the realisation that many of us are not financially literate. And often it was the lack of financial literacy that prevented people achieving what they wanted to achieve.

Which is why the natural next step was to become a Financial Advisor.

In believe I am the architect of your financial building.

Architects design beautiful, strong buildings from the foundations up. They know that without a strong foundation nothing will last.

I, too understand the power of building from the foundation up.

I pride myself on creating a plan for you and your family based on your needs, your goals and the things that are important to you.

Like building your dream home, developing your financial plan needs to be flexible, bespoke, and fit for purpose.

I do this through creating strong, trusting human relationships with my clients, and our insurers to create the greatest outcomes for all.

I am a mother of 5, and grandmother of 4, have been married to Andre for 28 years and am passionate about all things money.

I have published a book, walked 250 kilometres across Scotland, love travel and am an avid reader.

On a cold winters day you will find me immersed in a great movie sipping on a large cup of coffee.

It is an honour to support people in an often fraught area of their life and I look forward to supporting you on your financial, and indeed, life journey



About Me

My name:                Nicola Ann Gunning

My FSP number:       FSP76911

My Contact details:   Address:       49 Sardinia Grove, Palmerston North 4410

Phone:          0274 823 817

Email:           [email protected]


I am a financial adviser and provide advice on behalf of MoneyTree Financial Services Ltd (MoneyTree), who are licensed as a Financial Advice Provider by the Financial Markets Authority.

Both MoneyTree and I are registered on the financial services provider registry which can be viewed at



My Services



Personal Risk Insurance (life, income, disability & health)

I provide personalised advice that takes into account your individual circumstances to determine the personal risk products that best meet your personal goals and needs.


Business Risk Insurance (key person, shareholder agreement, group scheme)

From key person cover to shareholder protection, I provide considered advice that takes into account your unique business circumstances to determine the risk products that best meet your personal goals and needs.


For personal and business risk my recommendations are limited to the products offered by the following companies:





AIA New Zealand

– Asteron Life

– Chubb Life

Fidelity Life


Partners Life



General Insurance

I am qualified and MoneyTree has a Licence to provide Fire and General Insurance advice. MoneyTree has agreements with Blanket and Star Insurance to provide house, car & contents insurance by referral. Each provider has their own licence, and provides advice to clients in their own right. I may provide additional advice alongside the providers or present to you their advice/recommendations unless the provider presents it themselves.


Other services (usually fee-based)

  • If you are self-employed or employed by your own company I can assist with reviewing your ACC cover and the CoverPlus Extra policy.
  • Cashflow management – budgeting and spending planning.
  • Insurance review – dealing with review of terms/loadings or general summary and review of multiple policies




How I get paid

I may charge you a fee or receive commission from the product provider. No fee is charged for an initial meeting, where the nature and scope of the work to be done is established. Where commission is paid I usually rely on that, and disclose it. Some work does not pay commission, and a fee may be required. No chargeable work will begin until scope of work, fees and/or commissions are discussed and agreed.



MoneyTree may be paid a commission by the recommended provider from the premium they charge you for your cover, or based on the value of your KiwiSaver, or based on the amount borrowed as a home loan. Commission is paid as follows:

Life and disability insurance

  • Initial Commission – a percentage of the first year’s premiums, usually ranging from 160% to 230%, depending on which insurance company you take out cover with.
  • Ongoing renewal commission of between 3% and 30% of the annual premium.

Health insurance

  • Initial Commission – a percentage of the first year’s premiums, usually ranging from 30% to 140%, depending on which insurance company you take out cover with.
  • Ongoing renewal commission of between 5% and 25% of the annual premium.


There are a wide range of factors and options that influence the initial and ongoing commission rates. I will confirm the amount of commission MoneyTree will receive when I provide written advice to you.


Fire and General

  • In place of an upfront advice fee, MoneyTree receives a share of the commission paid to Blanket – this may be 20 to 50% of the insurance company commission.


Fees for Service

Some work does not pay commission, and requires that a fee is charged direct to the client. I offer fixed pricing for some services. In certain circumstances I may agree to reduce or waive commission in exchange for a policy discount. No chargeable work will begin until scope of work, fees and/or commissions are discussed and agreed.

Fees are payable to MoneyTree upon receipt of invoice. View current schedule of fees here


Cancellation fee

If you purchase a product through us and then cancel it within 24 months, the product provider may require me to pay back all or part of the commission I received. I reserve the right to charge you a cancellation fee equivalent to a reasonable value of the work performed in providing our advice and services. An indication of such a cancellation fee amount will be advised at the time my advice is provided to you.



Relevant history / Qualifications

I have been in the industry since 2020. I have completed a Level 5 Certificate in Financial advice [Insurance Advice] in 2021. I also have a Diploma of Teaching from Massey University. I am a Certified Hart Life Coach, and a Certified Intelligence coach.

I keep my qualifications up to date by:

  • Meeting the mandatory number of continuing professional development hours as per the continuing professional development guidelines issued by Financial Advice New Zealand
  • Attending industry conferences
  • Attending various courses, workshops and webinars organised by Accredited Training Organisations
  • Reading widely


Professional memberships

MoneyTree is a founding member of Financial Advice New Zealand, and as a condition of thier membership they comply with the organisation’s code of ethics and practice standards in all facets of their practice.


Reliability history

  • I have never been adjudicated bankrupt
  • I have never been the subject of a Debt Repayment Order, or entered aNo Asset Procedure
  • I have never been prohibited from managing companies, or acting as a Director
  • I have never been the subject of disciplinary proceedings before a professional body
  • I have never had any criminal convictions and have had no adverse findings made against me by a court or tribunal


I Work For You

As a Financial Adviser, it is my duty to abide by the Code of Conduct for Financial Service Providers.



Although I am paid by the providers for the services I provide, it is you that I work for. To ensure I put your interests ahead of my own, I follow a 6-step advice process when providing personalised financial advice which is based on your individual goals and needs.

I further manage possible conflicts of interest by:

  • Choosing product providers based on your needs and not on the commission we may receive
  • Having access to a range of product providers
  • I provide all my recommendations in writing so that you have the opportunity to ask any questions you might have before implementing any of my advice
  • MoneyTree does not receive any volume or sales target based payments from any provider


All feedback is welcome.

If you are unhappy with any aspect of my service, please tell me so that we can manage it through my internal complaint process.

If we are unable to address your concerns, you can contact my disputes resolution scheme, at no cost to you:

Address:                Financial Dispute Resolution Service

Freepost 231075

PO Box 2272

Wellington 6140

Telephone number: 0508 337 337

Email address:       [email protected]

My Partner and I were looking for life insurance after the purchase of our lifestyle block in the Manawatu. We contacted Regan and he has helped us through the whole process with professionalism and integrity. Regan stayed in touch throughout and kept us up to date on the process and explained all the insurance jargon so that we could understand it. We would highly recommend Regan to all those looking for sound financial advice.

Clint Dunstan

Regan is super helpful, professional and grounded, he provides sound practical advice to really cover your personal situation. I would recommend his wealth of knowledge and advice to anyone looking for insurance solutions.

Terene Watson

I was very impressed with Regan's knowledge. He made the right deal for me and my family. Not only was the package right but I have peace of mind.

Rachel Shepherd

Regan has been looking after my business insurances. He is professional, helpful and gives great advice. I would recommend Regan to anyone looking wishing to have a turn key method of insuring their business.

Liam Cann

Regan has been our family financial advisor for a number of years now. We trust Regan to give us the best advice for all financial matters. He is very personable and approachable, ready and willing to help with any query we might have. Regan is always a welcome guest in our home, and I recommend him to all.

Jocelyn Turney-Mitchell

Regan is a pleasure to work with. He is efficient and I appreciate his ability to be thorough and clearly go through all relevant options pertaining to his service without putting on a "hard sell".

Mark Easton