Getting all your financial ducks in a row can feel like a bit of a challenge. For many just thinking about it can be too much at once, and you don’t know where to start.
Think of it like building a house. The first thing people tend to talk about is the layout, materials and colours. That’s design, AKA planning. Planning is important, because it creates a process that builds a house that is both strong, and meets your needs. What comes first when actually building the house is the foundation. The plan has to ensure there is a strong base on which to build.
In a financial plan the foundation covers the basics:
- Wills, Enduring Power of Attorney and possibly a trust
- Good insurance for your house, contents, cars and toys
- Life, heath and disability insurances, including managing ACC
- Budgeting, debt management and building an emergency fund
- Making regular savings such as KiwiSaver
Each of these things is important and inter-related. Each affects the other. And once in place you do feel more in control, more sorted.
I can help you to put in place all the above. Sometimes just having someone to help create a plan that covers the basics is really helpful. I do all types of insurances, and goal setting, and I refer for Wills, EPAs and Family Trusts, and also for investment planning. I am well connected for these services and have professionals that I am happy to recommend.
Good advice is not an off-the-shelf solution – It’s a tailored fit.
I like to get to know you first, that’s why our first meeting is always free. Contact me today